Life During COVID-19

On October 16,2019 I could not have imagined that one year later I would be sitting at a desk and typing up this post- at home. During late December of 2019 reports started to come that a new disease was wreaking havoc in Wuhan, China. At first it was easy to shrug off; newspapers loved panicking people. By early January it had spread to all of China. Yet most people still did not take it seriously. The enormity of this started to settle during early March. Many counties were closing schools our county did not. On Thursday, March 12th my parents did not send us to school, little did I know that it would be my last day ofย  going to my elementary school. Then the whole country of the United States with 300 million people just shut down. India with 1 billion people shut down on a day’s notice and the EU with 400 million people shut down. The entire world came to a standstill just like that. Slowly and cautiously countries started opening first the United States and then other countries followed. This led to a spike in COVID cases they shut it down again and it came to a standstill, they reopened and it came back. Some countries are going in a cycle like this and some have shut it down for goodness sake. Here in the United States it is voting time and all ads on Youtube are by Presidents. Finally, we have come to today this post is covering almost 9 months. Thanks for reading!

3 Comments on "Life During COVID-19"

  1. This is a detailed post about COVID! Good job! ๐Ÿ‘

  2. Ganapathi Pamula | May 21, 2021 at 11:36 AM | Reply

    UPDATE FOR MAY 2021: There were a lot of events that happened between then and now; the capitol hill was raided, a covid vaccine has been given to 37 % percent of the American population and teens & tweens are getting vaccinated. COVID is almost done! ๐Ÿ™‚

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